DESStination DXB

Make some NOISE!


Hello all readers Ryiah here                                                                                                                                            This week is Anti-bullying week and I’m here to tell you to make a noise about bullying whenever, wherever make make a noise about bullying because together we can make it stop. How can we stop this? How can we prevent this? Take a stand! Whether you see it physically,verbally or electronically put a stop to it. Stand up to the bully! Bullying can happen at school, on the internet or in your group of friends. Be AWARE words and actions can hurt other peoples feelings without you realising. No that name-calling IS NOT OK! We are ALL all affected from bullying but it starts with YOU, you will CHANGE the future you can STOP the name-calling you can STOP rumors because if we stand together if we can enact change, we can STOP bullying!

Here is a video about anti bullying (make some NOISE!).

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